В чате телеграмма попросили как-то поделиться. Делюсь)
В качестве серверной системы использую Ubuntu Server 16.04.3 LTS.
Cтавим Icecast2:
sudo apt-get - y install icecast2
Далее ставим mpd и клиентов:
sudo apt-get -y install mpd mpc gmpc
У меня музыка лежит в /media/hdd/music. Поэтому отредактируем /etc/mpd.conf:
Файл конфига привожу полностью, разбавив своими комментариями.
sudo nano /etc/mpd.conf
# An example configuration file for MPD.
# Read the user manual for documentation: http://www.musicpd.org/doc/user/
# or /usr/share/doc/mpd/user-manual.html
# Files and directories #######################################################
# This setting controls the top directory which MPD will search to discover the
# available audio files and add them to the daemon's online database. This
# setting defaults to the XDG directory, otherwise the music directory will be
# be disabled and audio files will only be accepted over ipc socket (using
# file:// protocol) or streaming files over an accepted protocol.
music_directory "/media/hdd/music"
# This setting sets the MPD internal playlist directory. The purpose of this
# directory is storage for playlists created by MPD. The server will use
# playlist files not created by the server but only if they are in the MPD
# format. This setting defaults to playlist saving being disabled.
playlist_directory "/media/hdd/music/playlists" #папка для плейлистов
#Нужно далее создать эти папки где вам удобно,
#чтобы запускать mpd от своего юзера. В конце конфига скажу как это сделать.
#playlist_directory "/home/user/.mpd/playlists" # не используйте ~/
#db_file "/home/user/.mpd/mpd.db"
#log_file "/home/user/.mpd/mpd.log"
#pid_file "/home/user/.mpd/mpd.pid"
#state_file "/home/user/.mpd/mpdstate"
# This setting sets the location of the MPD database. This file is used to
# load the database at server start up and store the database while the
# server is not up. This setting defaults to disabled which will allow
# MPD to accept files over ipc socket (using file:// protocol) or streaming
# files over an accepted protocol.
db_file "/home/media/mpd/tag_cache"
# These settings are the locations for the daemon log files for the daemon.
# These logs are great for troubleshooting, depending on your log_level
# settings.
# The special value "syslog" makes MPD use the local syslog daemon. This
# setting defaults to logging to syslog, otherwise logging is disabled.
log_file "/home/media/mpd/mpd.log"
# This setting sets the location of the file which stores the process ID
# for use of mpd --kill and some init scripts. This setting is disabled by
# default and the pid file will not be stored.
pid_file "/home/media/mpd/pid"
# This setting sets the location of the file which contains information about
# most variables to get MPD back into the same general shape it was in before
# it was brought down. This setting is disabled by default and the server
# state will be reset on server start up.
state_file "/home/media/mpd/state"
# The location of the sticker database. This is a database which
# manages dynamic information attached to songs.
sticker_file "/home/media/mpd/sticker.sql"
# General music daemon options ################################################
# This setting specifies the user that MPD will run as. MPD should never run as
# root and you may use this setting to make MPD change its user ID after
# initialization. This setting is disabled by default and MPD is run as the
# current user.
# Пользователь который может запускать демона, нельзя запускать демона от рута
user "media"
# This setting specifies the group that MPD will run as. If not specified
# primary group of user specified with "user" setting will be used (if set).
# This is useful if MPD needs to be a member of group such as "audio" to
# have permission to use sound card.
#group "nogroup"
# This setting sets the address for the daemon to listen on. Careful attention
# should be paid if this is assigned to anything other then the default, any.
# This setting can deny access to control of the daemon. Choose any if you want
# to have mpd listen on every address. Not effective if systemd socket
# activation is in use.
# Настройки доступа по сети
# Разрешение доступа - "localhost" или "any"
bind_to_address "any"
# This setting is the TCP port that is desired for the daemon to get assigned
# to.
# порт по-умолчанию
port "6600"
# This setting controls the type of information which is logged. Available
# setting arguments are "default", "secure" or "verbose". The "verbose" setting
# argument is recommended for troubleshooting, though can quickly stretch
# available resources on limited hardware storage.
log_level "default"
# If you have a problem with your MP3s ending abruptly it is recommended that
# you set this argument to "no" to attempt to fix the problem. If this solves
# the problem, it is highly recommended to fix the MP3 files with vbrfix
# (available as vbrfix in the debian archive), at which
# point gapless MP3 playback can be enabled.
#gapless_mp3_playback "yes"
# Setting "restore_paused" to "yes" puts MPD into pause mode instead
# of starting playback after startup.
#restore_paused "no"
# This setting enables MPD to create playlists in a format usable by other
# music players.
#save_absolute_paths_in_playlists "no"
# This setting defines a list of tag types that will be extracted during the
# audio file discovery process. The complete list of possible values can be
# found in the mpd.conf man page.
metadata_to_use "artist,album,title,track,name,genre,date,composer,performer,disc"
# This setting enables automatic update of MPD's database when files in
# music_directory are changed.
auto_update "yes"
# Limit the depth of the directories being watched, 0 means only watch
# the music directory itself. There is no limit by default.
auto_update_depth "3"
# Symbolic link behavior ######################################################
# If this setting is set to "yes", MPD will discover audio files by following
# symbolic links outside of the configured music_directory.
#follow_outside_symlinks "yes"
# If this setting is set to "yes", MPD will discover audio files by following
# symbolic links inside of the configured music_directory.
#follow_inside_symlinks "yes"
# Zeroconf / Avahi Service Discovery ##########################################
# If this setting is set to "yes", service information will be published with
# Zeroconf / Avahi.
zeroconf_enabled "yes"
# The argument to this setting will be the Zeroconf / Avahi unique name for
# this MPD server on the network.
zeroconf_name "mpd@lunex"
# Permissions #################################################################
# If this setting is set, MPD will require password authorization. The password
# can setting can be specified multiple times for different password profiles.
#password "password@read,add,control,admin"
# This setting specifies the permissions a user has who has not yet logged in.
default_permissions "read,add,control,admin"
# Database #######################################################################
#database {
# plugin "proxy"
# host "other.mpd.host"
# port "6600"
# Input #######################################################################
#input {
# plugin "curl"
# proxy "proxy.isp.com:8080"
# proxy_user "user"
# proxy_password "password"
# Audio Output ################################################################
# MPD supports various audio output types, as well as playing through multiple
# audio outputs at the same time, through multiple audio_output settings
# blocks. Setting this block is optional, though the server will only attempt
# autodetection for one sound card.
# Я не использую ни OSS ни ALSA, поэтому если хотите дополнительно слушать
# звук на сервере через
# ALSA раскоментируйте нужное
# An example of an ALSA output:
#audio_output {
# type "alsa"
# name "My ALSA Device"
# device "hw:0,0" # optional
# mixer_type "hardware" # optional
# mixer_device "default" # optional
# mixer_control "PCM" # optional
# mixer_index "0" # optional
# An example of an OSS output:
#audio_output {
# type "oss"
# name "My OSS Device"
# device "/dev/dsp" # optional
# mixer_type "hardware" # optional
# mixer_device "/dev/mixer" # optional
# mixer_control "PCM" # optional
# Вывод звука для стрима на Icecaste
# В данном разделе указываем параметры
# соединения для icecast2 (type, # host, port, mount, password) и
# качество потока (bitrate, format)
audio_output {
type "shout"
encoding "ogg" # optional
name "My Station" # название станции
host "localhost"
port "8000"
mount "/mpd.ogg"
password "Пароль" # пароль, который будем вводить в icecast
quality "5.0"
# bitrate "128" # ограничение битрейта, то есть качества потока
format "44100:16:2"
protocol "icecast2" # optional
# user "source" # optional
always_on "yes"
description "Only music forever" # optional
# url "http://example.com" # optional
genre "pop" # optional
public "yes" # optional
# timeout "2" # optional
mixer_type "software" # optional
# An example of a recorder output:
#audio_output {
# type "recorder"
# name "My recorder"
# encoder "vorbis" # optional, vorbis or lame
# path "/var/lib/mpd/recorder/mpd.ogg"
## quality "5.0" # do not define if bitrate is defined
# bitrate "128" # do not define if quality is defined
# format "44100:16:1"
# An example of a httpd output (built-in HTTP streaming server):
audio_output {
type "httpd"
name "my radio"
encoder "lame" # optional, vorbis or lame
port "1968"
# bind_to_address "" # optional, IPv4 or IPv6
quality "5.0" # do not define if bitrate is defined
# bitrate "128" # ограничение качества потока -
format "44100:16:2"
max_clients "0" # optional 0=no limit
tags "yes"
always_on "yes"
mixer_type "software"
replay_gain_handler "software"
# An example of a pulseaudio output (streaming to a remote pulseaudio server)
# Please see README.Debian if you want mpd to play through the pulseaudio
# daemon started as part of your graphical desktop session!
#audio_output {
# type "pulse"
# name "My Pulse Output"
# server "remote_server" # optional
# sink "remote_server_sink" # optional
# An example of a winmm output (Windows multimedia API).
#audio_output {
# type "winmm"
# name "My WinMM output"
# device "Digital Audio (S/PDIF) (High Definition Audio Device)" # optional
# or
# device "0" # optional
# mixer_type "hardware" # optional
# An example of an openal output.
#audio_output {
# type "openal"
# name "My OpenAL output"
# device "Digital Audio (S/PDIF) (High Definition Audio Device)" # optional
## Example "pipe" output:
#audio_output {
# type "pipe"
# name "my pipe"
# command "aplay -f cd 2>/dev/null"
## Or if you're want to use AudioCompress
# command "AudioCompress -m | aplay -f cd 2>/dev/null"
## Or to send raw PCM stream through PCM:
# command "nc example.org 8765"
# format "44100:16:2"
## An example of a null output (for no audio output):
#audio_output {
# type "null"
# name "My Null Output"
# mixer_type "none" # optional
# If MPD has been compiled with libsamplerate support, this setting specifies
# the sample rate converter to use. Possible values can be found in the
# mpd.conf man page or the libsamplerate documentation. By default, this is
# setting is disabled.
#samplerate_converter "Fastest Sinc Interpolator"
# Normalization automatic volume adjustments ##################################
# This setting specifies the type of ReplayGain to use. This setting can have
# the argument "off", "album", "track" or "auto". "auto" is a special mode that
# chooses between "track" and "album" depending on the current state of
# random playback. If random playback is enabled then "track" mode is used.
# See <http://www.replaygain.org> for more details about ReplayGain.
# This setting is off by default.
replaygain "auto"
# This setting sets the pre-amp used for files that have ReplayGain tags. By
# default this setting is disabled.
replaygain_preamp "0"
# This setting sets the pre-amp used for files that do NOT have ReplayGain tags.
# By default this setting is disabled.
replaygain_missing_preamp "0"
# This setting enables or disables ReplayGain limiting.
# MPD calculates actual amplification based on the ReplayGain tags
# and replaygain_preamp / replaygain_missing_preamp setting.
# If replaygain_limit is enabled MPD will never amplify audio signal
# above its original level. If replaygain_limit is disabled such amplification
# might occur. By default this setting is enabled.
replaygain_limit "yes"
# This setting enables on-the-fly normalization volume adjustment. This will
# result in the volume of all playing audio to be adjusted so the output has
# equal "loudness". This setting is disabled by default.
volume_normalization "yes"
# Character Encoding ##########################################################
# If file or directory names do not display correctly for your locale then you
# may need to modify this setting.
filesystem_charset "UTF-8"
# This setting controls the encoding that ID3v1 tags should be converted from.
#id3v1_encoding "UTF-8"
id3v1_encoding "CP1251"
# SIDPlay decoder #############################################################
# songlength_database:
# Location of your songlengths file, as distributed with the HVSC.
# The sidplay plugin checks this for matching MD5 fingerprints.
# See http://www.c64.org/HVSC/DOCUMENTS/Songlengths.faq
# default_songlength:
# This is the default playing time in seconds for songs not in the
# songlength database, or in case you're not using a database.
# A value of 0 means play indefinitely.
# filter:
# Turns the SID filter emulation on or off.
#decoder {
# plugin "sidplay"
# songlength_database "/media/C64Music/DOCUMENTS/Songlengths.txt"
# default_songlength "120"
# filter "true"
#buffer_before_play "1"
# Размер внутреннего аудиобуфера в килобайтах
audio_buffer_size "2048"
# Заполнение аудиобуфера перед проигрыванием музыки в процентах
buffer_before_play "50%"
Сохраняем CTRL+о и выходим из редактора CTRL+x
Создайте директорию в домашней папке для конфигов и плейлистов
mkdir -p ~/.mpd/playlists
touch ~/.mpd/{mpd.db,mpd.log,mpd.pid,mpdstate}
Разрешаем пользователям читать файл mpd.conf
sudo chmod 644 /etc/mpd.conf
Обновляем музыкальную коллекцию
mpc update
Если выскакивают ошибки типа
listen: Failed to listen on *:6600: Address already in use
Аварийный останов
То убейте процесс, так как порт уже просто занят
sudo killall -9 mpd
И повторите команду. Настройка mpd сервера завершена.
Проверяем через gmpc, в настройках профиля нужно указать хост и порт


Настраиваем IceCast:
sudo nano /etc/icecast2/icecast.xml
Приводим к такому виду
<!-- If enabled, this will provide a burst of data when a client
first connects, thereby significantly reducing the startup
time for listeners that do substantial buffering. However,
it also significantly increases latency between the source
client and listening client. For low-latency setups, you
might want to disable this. -->
<!-- same as burst-on-connect, but this allows for being more
specific on how much to burst. Most people won't need to
change from the default 64k. Applies to all mountpoints -->
<!-- Sources log in with username 'source' -->
<!-- Relays log in username 'relay' -->
<!-- Admin logs in with the username given below -->
<!-- set the mountpoint for a shoutcast source to use, the default if not
specified is /stream but you can change it here if an alternative is
wanted or an extension is required
<!-- Uncomment this if you want directory listings -->
<!-- This is the hostname other people will use to connect to your server.
It affects mainly the urls generated by Icecast for playlists and yp
listings. -->
<!-- You may have multiple <listener> elements -->
<!-- <bind-address></bind-address> -->
<!-- setting this makes all relays on-demand unless overridden, this is
useful for master relays which do not have <relay> definitions here.
The default is 0 -->
<!-- Only define a <mount> section if you want to use advanced options,
like alternative usernames or passwords
<authentication type="htpasswd">
<option name="filename" value="myauth"/>
<option name="allow_duplicate_users" value="0"/>
<authentication type="url">
<option name="mount_add" value="http://myauthserver.net/notify_mount.php"/>
<option name="mount_remove" value="http://myauthserver.net/notify_mount.php"/>
<option name="listener_add" value="http://myauthserver.net/notify_listener.php"/>
<option name="listener_remove" value="http://myauthserver.net/notify_listener.php"/>
<!-- basedir is only used if chroot is enabled -->
<!-- Note that if <chroot> is turned on below, these paths must both
be relative to the new root, not the original root -->
<!-- <pidfile>/usr/share/icecast2/icecast.pid</pidfile> -->
<!-- Aliases: treat requests for 'source' path as being for 'dest' path
May be made specific to a port or bound address using the "port"
and "bind-address" attributes.
<alias source="/foo" dest="/bar"/>
<!-- Aliases: can also be used for simple redirections as well,
this example will redirect all requests for http://server:port/ to
the status page
<alias source="/" dest="/status.xsl"/>
<!-- <playlistlog>playlist.log</playlistlog> -->
<loglevel>3</loglevel> <!-- 4 Debug, 3 Info, 2 Warn, 1 Error -->
<logsize>10000</logsize> <!-- Max size of a logfile -->
<!-- If logarchive is enabled (1), then when logsize is reached
the logfile will be moved to [error|access|playlist].log.DATESTAMP,
otherwise it will be moved to [error|access|playlist].log.old.
Default is non-archive mode (i.e. overwrite)
<!-- <logarchive>1</logarchive> -->
Сохраняем и выходим.
Поменяйте ПАРОЛЬ на свой в этом разделе:
- пароль для источника потока, указывается в незашифрованном виде
- пароль для подчиненных серверов, транслирующие ваши потоки.
- логин и пароль для доступа к интерфейсу администратора
Разрешаем запуск
sudo nano /etc/default/icecast2
И правим параметр # Change this to true when done to enable the init.d script
ENABLE=true , должно получиться вот так:
# Defaults for icecast2 initscript
# sourced by /etc/init.d/icecast2
# installed at /etc/default/icecast2 by the maintainer scripts
# This is a POSIX shell fragment
# Full path to the server configuration file
# Name or ID of the user and group the daemon should run under
# Edit /etc/icecast2/icecast.xml and change at least the passwords.
# Change this to true when done to enable the init.d script
И запускаем:
sudo service icecast2 start
Для проверки запущен-ли сервер можно перейти по адресу, который Вы указали при настройке вашего сервера http://ваш_IP:8000/
Ссылка на ваш поток будет такой http://ваш_IP:8000/mpd.ogg.m3u, можно прослушать в плеере, например VLC.
Управлять с телефона можно с помощью приложения https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.gateshipone.malp
или https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.prezz.mpr